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Selection instruction of diverse industrial sockets

Time:2016-07-08Source:远亚Click Volume:

First, please see the connecting picture of sockets, plugs and connectors12923270_1693377134236575_3198919315400395089_n.jpg

1. Hide direct socket.
It is usually installed on the shell of the devices, and can be installed at the surface of any place. If installed on the wall, it should be installed together with bottom case. Widely used in : distribution cabinet, distribution box, molding machine, expo pavilion and so on
2. Hide inclined socket
It is usually installed on the shell of the devices, and can be installed at the surface of any place. If installed on the wall, it should be installed together with bottom case. It should leave enough room for inserting and removing. Applied in the industry like: distribution cabinet, distribution box, molding machine, expo pavilion and so on
3. Industrial socket
It is seen on the wall(ground), can be installed separately without boom case, but should leave enough room for inserting and removing. Applied in the industry: power distribution of workshop, machine room power distribution, expo pavilion, molding machine and other industries.
4. Hide direct implement inlet socket
It is usually installed on the shell of the devices, and can be installed at the surface of any place. Can not be live end, only matched connector can be live end. Applied in the industry: distribution cabinet, stage lighting, audio device and control systems and etc.
5. Industrial implement inlet socket
It is usually installed on the shell of the devices, and can be installed at the surface of any place. should leave enough room for inserting and removing and also can not be live end. Usually used in distribution cabinet and other place of power distribution.
6. Connector
It is used as extension of cable. There are matched plugs, hide implement inlet socket and industrial implement inlet socket. Widely used in: distribution cabinet, stage lighting, audio devices, building devices, and tunnel projects and so on.

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